The Gram Panchayats of Kerala has appointed four Standing Counsels to represent them in the High Court of Kerala.

The notification issued by the Kerala High Court notifies that,

This is to inform all concerned that information has been received in this Registry regarding the appointment of Standing Counsel for the following institutions. Name and address of the Standing Counsel and other available details are shown against the names of the institutions.”

The name of the Gram Panchayats and Standing Counsels are as follows

  1. Mundoor Gram Panchayat, Palakkad - Adv. U Balagangadharan
  2. Sooranand North Gram Panchayat, Kollam – Adv. Vinoy Verghese
  3. Vazhakulam Gram Panchayat, Ernakulam – Adv. Mohammed Shah
  4. Kalady Gram Panchayat, Malappuram -  Adv. Mohammed Shah

The Standing Counsel in a particular High Court or its Bench, will be in-charge of the entire litigation work on behalf of the Government of India before concerned High Court or its Bench.


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Vishal Gupta