NUJS’ Society of International Trade and Competition Law: Submissions Closed Temporarily

11 Mar 2019
Categories: Call for Papers


The Society for International Trade and Competition Law (SITC) is an academic society of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata.The dynamic changes in global economic conditions raise new questions and problems in the fields of Trade and Competition Law, which are a cause of concern for almost every country.

SITC seeks to provide a platform for discussion and deliberation on these issues in order to analyse the various facets of trade and competition law and derive legal solutions to contemporary issues in these areas.


The members run a blog which contains notes, articles, news updates and case briefs on contemporary issues. The blog is comprehensive and is updated regularly.

Submission Procedure and Guidelines

In order to facilitate independent, innovative dialogue on international trade and competition law, we invite students as well as professionals to send in blog posts to

For further information, please send an e-mail to the above mentioned ID and we will reply as soon as possible.

The post must deal with a contemporary issue of international trade law or competition law and must provide the author’s novel take on the issue.

Posts which deal with recent issues and either explain normative trends or propose unique solutions to current problems are preferred.

Regardless of the nature of analysis adopted (critical/jurisprudential/theoretical, etc.,) the post must involve clear identification of issues and must attempt to critique or resolve them in a logical manner.

Word Limit: 800-1200 words; Font: Times New Roman,12; Line Spacing: 1.5; Citation: Endnotes or Bluebook (19th Edition)


Note:  We shall not be accepting any more submissions for the blog. This embargo is for a limited time and we shall post further updates on this post in the future.

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