December 6, 2017

Even those who claim a “bona fide” relationship with someone in the US, not excluded from the Travel Ban.

The Supreme Court is allowing Trump administration to fully enforce a ban on travel to the US by residents of 6 (mainly Muslim) countries.The Justices, with 2 dissenting votes, said that this policy can take full effect even while legal challenges against it get filed in the Courts. This action suggests the Court could uphold the latest version of the ban that Donald Trump announced in September this year.

This ban applies to travelers from Iran, Chad, Libya, Syria, Somalia & Yemen. Earlier, Lower courts had said that people from those nations with a claim a “bona fide” relationship with someone in the US couldn't be kept out of the country. Grandparents, cousins & other relatives were among those Courts had said couldn't be excluded.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg & Justice Sonia Sotomayor would've left the orders by lower court in place. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (San Francisco) & 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (Richmond, Virginia) will be holding arguments on the legality of this ban this week.

Both the courts're dealing with the issue on an accelerated basis. Quick resolution by appellate courts would allow the Supreme Court to hear and decide the issue this term, by the end of June.

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